
Developing plugins for web browsers is undoubtedly a challenging task, as it involves addressing various technical complexities before achieving a functional product. As such, plug-in developers must embrace the unique constraints that set them apart from conventional HTML and JavaScript implementations.

The Re-Earth plugin system is predominantly built using JavaScript but employs a two-fold approach: one part functions through WebAssembly, while the other operates within an iframe.

WebAssembly, being both synchronous and efficient allows for swift code execution and seamless access to Re-Earth's data. However, it has limitations in utilizing web browsers' APIs and user interfaces. On the other hand, iframes excel in leveraging all web browser-supported APIs and can display user interfaces using HTML. Nevertheless, they are unable to access Re-Earth's data directly and run asynchronously.

To overcome these challenges, Re-Earth adopts a hybrid approach. The WebAssembly part and the iframe can communicate and exchange information using the postMessage feature, enabling the secure transfer of essential data from Re-Earth to the iframe. This empowers developers to manipulate HTML content within the iframe, retrieve relevant server information, and subsequently pass this data to the WebAssembly component.

By combining the strengths of WebAssembly and iframes and skillfully utilizing postMessage for seamless communication, Re-Earth maximizes the potential of plugins. This innovative approach offers plug-in developers the flexibility to create powerful and feature-rich extensions that work harmoniously within the Re-Earth environment.

WebAssembly side

The WebAssembly side serves as the entry point when the plugin is initially loaded into Re-Earth and operates synchronously within the same thread as the application.

Within this context, you can perform the following actions:

However, there are certain limitations on the WebAssembly side: