The plugin manifest serves as a crucial configuration file for plugins in Re:Earth. While it offers great flexibility, the official documentation for this manifest is still in progress. Nevertheless, developers can gain valuable insights from the built-in plugin manifests, which are already available.

The layers, blocks, and other standard features in Re:Earth are implemented as built-in plugins. These plugins have manifests that you can refer to until the documentation is finished. By examining these manifest files, developers can understand how to structure their own plugins effectively.

The manifest files for the built-in plugins are available at the following links:

  1. Built-in plugin manifest: ****
  2. JSON schema for plugin manifest: ****

The JSON schema defines the structure and format expected in the plugin manifest. It acts as a blueprint for validating the configuration of custom plugins. By adhering to this schema, developers ensure that their plugins are compatible with Re:Earth and can smoothly integrate into the platform.

Note: While referencing the JSON schema in the $schema field of the manifest is a common practice, it is not recommended for long-term stability. As the file locations may change, it is advisable to use a more permanent URL, such as, which is being planned for the future.

Developers looking to take their plugin development to the next level can also leverage modern web technologies, such as React and webpack, to create even more dynamic and interactive plugins. By utilizing these tools, you can build highly customizable and visually appealing plugins that seamlessly integrate with Re:Earth's immersive environment.

In conclusion, while the official documentation for the plugin manifest is still being refined, Re:Earth's robust ecosystem of built-in plugins and the JSON schema serve as invaluable resources for developers looking to develop innovative and engaging plugins. Whether you're creating 3D models, visualizations, or data-driven applications, Re:Earth's plugin system empowers you to craft captivating experiences that enhance the overall digital earth platform.